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Ma numesc Lucuta Ionut Georgel si am 26 ani impliniti pe 21 martie .Povestea vietii mele incepe brusc si rapid fara nici un viitor si cu nici o speranta se pare de mai bine.Totul a pornit cand mama ne-a lasat pe mine si pe ceilalti 3 frati ai mei la oferlinat la varsta de 3 ani ,motivul avand sa iasa la iveala cand am implinit 18 ani cand mama noastra a venit sa ne ia de acolo ,defapt sa ne ia banii care se dau la parasirea orfelinatului si sa ne lase in strada si ca sa fie totul limpede am aflat apoi ca figurez in mai multe orase din Romania ca avand handicap si neavand dreptul sa muncesc legal.Pentru acest lucru ,mama se pare a semnat cand eram foarte mic iar acum nu mai pot da de ea neavand nici o posibilitate financiara.Este plecata in Germania si mai multe nu pot sa zic pentru ca n-am mai auzit nimic de la ea.Stam intr-o casa carpita,construita de mine si cu materiale si ajutor din partea unor prieteni .Traiesc dintr-un ajutor social de 100 ron pe luna din care ii mai ajut si pe fratii mei .Am suficient de multi prieteni care ma ajuta si care mi-au donat diferite lucruri si la care mai merg sa vorbesc dar handicapul pe care il am si anume epilepsie nu imi da dreptul sa lucrez cu carte de munca nicaieri iar in orasul in care traiesc mai muncesc pe la oameni .Orice ajutor financiar este binevenit iar o dorinta de-a mea e sa dau de mama si sa o conving sa vorbeasca despre ce mi-a facut cand eram mic pentru ca numai ea mai poate face lumina in situatia mea.Daca eu nu mai am un viitor ,macar fratele meu sa nu o ia pe un drum gresit,fiind inca la scoala .Ganditi-va cum este pentru mine sa nu pot avea o relatie cu o fata pentru ca nu am un loc unde sa stau si sa trebuiasca sa dorm in cel mai bun caz pe la prieteni iar iarna sa nu am caldura intr-un sat in care locurile de munca si pentru persoanele normale sunt un lux.Pur si simplu nici la munca la negru nu pot lucra pentru ca figurez cu handicap si toata lumea ma stie .Dupa moarte bunicii am crezut ca vom avea macar un adapost dar casa era trecuta pe numele mamei iar aceasta a vandut-o si a fugit .Nici pensie alimentara nu primeste fratiorul meu mai mic care acum este in clasa a 8-a si ajunge sa fie deprimat si sa aiba ganduri intunecate iar eu si cu fratii mei Anton si Cristi suntem singura lui consolare.De tata de asemenea nu mai stim nimic,concret stim ca si el avea patima bauturii ,un motiv pentru care mama a recurs la un asemenea gest ,totusi incalificabil pentru o mama.Casa pe care am construit-o pe camp mi-o pot darama in orice clipa pentru ca nu am acte pe acel teren dar primarul se pare ca e ingaduitor si ne lasa in pace.In Sulina doar vara o duc mai bine mai mergand la prins pui de balta sau taind stuf ,vanzand rame  sau obiecte facute de mana turistilor.Am facut cereri la primarie de nenumarate ori sa fiu ajutat dar daca nu aveam nici un prieten probabil ma scoteau si de pe lista persoanelor carora li se ofera alimente .Cei care vor sa ma ajute sa mi lase un mesaj la adresa de email .Am creeat cu ajutorul acestui site si un mijloc prin care imi puteti lasa un mesaj si dona  bani din putinul pe care il aveti si dumneavoastra.

Va multumesc mult celor care ma pot ajuta !

Anchor 1

Povestea mea

My name is Ionut Lucuta Georgel and i made 26 years old on March 21 . Story of my life begins suddenly and quickly with no future and no hope and it seems to end badly.All started when my mother left us me and others three of my brothers to orphanage at age 3 years , the reason being to come out when I was 18 years old when our mother came to take us from there but she actually take the money that is given to leave the orphanage and leave us in street and to be everything clear  I found  then that I figure in several cities in Romania as being disabled and having no right to work legal.My mother apparently signed when I was very young and now I can not find her beacause i don't have  financial possibilities .She's went to Germany and I can not say anything else  because we haven't been contacted since left us. I leave  in a poor house if that can be called house .I built it  with materials and help from my friends.I live with a welfare  100 ron per month which i also help my brothers .I have enough friends that helped me and  donated me different things and which who i  go to talk but the handicap that I have , named epilepsy does not entitle me to work with labor .I  usualy get help for helping other people but that's in rare thing . Any financial help is welcome and a wish of mine is to found my mother and convince her to talk about what she made when I was little because only she can shed light on my situation.If I do not have a future, at least my brother not to take the wrong way , is still in school . Consider how it is for me to can not have a relationship with a girl that does not have a place to sit. I have to sleep in the best case at friends and not have heat in winter in a village where jobs for normal people is lux.I can't even  work without a contract because of  my disabled figure and everyone knows me .  After death of my grandparents, we thought we had at least a shelter but the house was last mother's name and she has sold it and ran . Neither alimony not get my little brother who is now in 8th grade and get to be depressed and have dark thoughts and I and my brothers  Anton and Cristi  are the only hope for him. From our father we also don't know anything . We know that he actually had passion to drink , a reason my mother resorted to such a move , however outrageous for mom.The house I built it on my field can break down at any moment because there is no paper signed for that and the land but the mayor seems to be lenient and  leave us to live. Summer is only hope because we going to catch the frog legs or cutting reeds , selling handmade frames or objects to tourists.I made ​​requests to hall ,many times to be helped but if I haven't  no friends they probably drew me to the list of people who receive the food. I created with a help of one of my friends a site  where you can make a donation if you want. 

Thank you very muck for listening me !



I also made a translate of my story down in page

Sulina,un colt de rai

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